Rabu, 06 Maret 2013
Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013
Rabu, 13 Februari 2013
Produk mie
jagung dan beras jagung adalah hasil pengembangan dari kegiatan Riset
Unggulan Strategis Nasional (Rusnas) Diversifikasi Pangan Pokok (DPP)
yang pendanaannya didapat dari Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi. Beberapa
output yang diharapkan dari kegiatan Rusnas DPP adalah komersialisasi
produk hasil penelitian serta difusi teknologinya. Saat ini untuk
memenuhi permintaan, proses produksi mie jagung masih dilakukan dalam
skala pilot plant, sedangkan untuk beras jagung, selain diproduksi di pilot plant juga sudah menggandeng IKM di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur yang dikelola oleh kelompok pemuda tani setempat.
Proses produksi mie jagung dan beras jagung, dilakukan di pilot plant
SEAFAST Center, Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor. Proses produksi beras jagung
oleh IKM dilakukan di Desa Kadipaten Kecamatan Babadan, Kabupaten
Ponorogo, Jawa Timur. Bahan baku untuk mie jagung adalah berupa tepung
jagung, terigu, guar gum, garam dan air. Bahan baku Beras jagung berupa
jagung pipil dan beras. Teknologi pembuatan mie instant jagung secara
umum terdiri dari proses pencampuran, pengukusan, pencetakan dan
pemotongan kemudian pengeringan. Pembuatan beras jagung melalui proses
penyosohan jagung, penggilingan dan pengemasan.
Suplai produksi masih menyesuaikan permintaan (permohonan) pembeli, demand cukup
tinggi. Sistem penjualan dan strategi yang digunakan yaitu menjual
kepada outlet yang memiliki posisi strategis seperti Serambi Botani (di
Botani Square Mall), praktek dokter, rumah sakit dan direct selling,
serta masih sering melakukan pameran dan pesanan dalam rangka
sosialisasi serta dengan tujuan untuk mencari UKM yang tertarik
memproduksi dan memasarkan.
Hubungi kami
Pengelola : Dr. Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Ir. Sutrisno Koswara, M.Si, Tjahja Muhandri, STP., MT
Telp/Fax : 0251-8629903
Email : hariyadi@seafast.org
Source : http://ditbk.ipb.ac.id/id/usaha-akademik/seafast-center.html
Senin, 11 Februari 2013
Minggu, 10 Februari 2013
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Searching and serving The Best.....!!!
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia. IPB masuk kategori PTN "The Big Five in Indonesia", dengan PTN lain seperti Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gajah Mada, dan Universitas Airlangga. Berikut ini adalah fakultas-fakultas yang ada di IPB :
1. Fak. Pertanian (FAPERTA)
2. Fak. Kedokteran Hewan (FKH)
3. Fak. Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (FPIK)
4. Fak. Peternakan (FAPET)
5. Fak. Kehutanan (FAHUTAN)
6. Fak. Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA)
7. Fak. Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
8. Fak. Ekonomi dan Manajemen (FEM)
9. Fak. Ekologi Manusia (FEMA)
Selain itu, departemen yang terfavorit di IPB adalah Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Ilmu Gizi, Ilmu Komputer, Statistika, dan Agribisnis. Untuk lebih jelasnya klik http://ipb.ac.id/
1. Fak. Pertanian (FAPERTA)
2. Fak. Kedokteran Hewan (FKH)
3. Fak. Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (FPIK)
4. Fak. Peternakan (FAPET)
5. Fak. Kehutanan (FAHUTAN)
6. Fak. Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA)
7. Fak. Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
8. Fak. Ekonomi dan Manajemen (FEM)
9. Fak. Ekologi Manusia (FEMA)
Selain itu, departemen yang terfavorit di IPB adalah Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Ilmu Gizi, Ilmu Komputer, Statistika, dan Agribisnis. Untuk lebih jelasnya klik http://ipb.ac.id/
AYO PILIH IPB.........!!!!!
Selasa, 05 Februari 2013
On 16-19th April 2012, this was my last final exam (UN) in SMA. And that time, the subjects which are tested were bahasa, math, physics, chemistry, biology, and english. but from that six subjects, I still remember some math problem in UN. that is mathematical logic, and I give it to you expecially for student, i hope this problem can help you for pass UN
1. Question:
if my mother goes, then my sister is happy
if my sister is happy, then my sister plays with her friends
the conclusion is....
p : my mother goes
q: my sister is happy
r : my sister plays with her friends
and then, we can write
:: p-->r
we can conclude that "p-->r" or we can write in verbal statement "if my mother goes, then my sister plays with her friends"
2. Question
Negative from "some of poeple are foolish, if they are lazy, then they have a bad occupation" is
(Ex) : some of people are foolish
P(x) : they are lazy
Q(x) : they have a bad occupation
we can write that
and then
(Ax)-(-P(x) v Q(x))
or we can write in verbal "all of people aren't foolish, they are lazy, and they don't have bad occupation"
1. Question:
if my mother goes, then my sister is happy
if my sister is happy, then my sister plays with her friends
the conclusion is....
p : my mother goes
q: my sister is happy
r : my sister plays with her friends
and then, we can write
:: p-->r
we can conclude that "p-->r" or we can write in verbal statement "if my mother goes, then my sister plays with her friends"
2. Question
Negative from "some of poeple are foolish, if they are lazy, then they have a bad occupation" is
(Ex) : some of people are foolish
P(x) : they are lazy
Q(x) : they have a bad occupation
we can write that
and then
(Ax)-(-P(x) v Q(x))
or we can write in verbal "all of people aren't foolish, they are lazy, and they don't have bad occupation"
On 16-19th April 2012, this was my last final exam (UN) in SMA. And that time, the subjects which are tested were bahasa, math, physics, chemistry, biology, and english. but from that six subjects, I still remember some math problem in UN. that is mathematical logic, and I give it to you expecially for student, i hope this problem can help you for pass UN
1. Question:
if my mother goes, then my sister is happy
if my sister is happy, then my sister plays with her friends
the conclusion is....
p : my mother goes
q: my sister is happy
r : my sister plays with her friends
and then, we can write
:: p-->r
we can conclude that "p-->r" or we can write in verbal statement "if my mother goes, then my sister plays with her friends"
2. Question
Negative from "some of poeple are foolish, if they are lazy, then they have a bad occupation" is
(Ex) : some of people are foolish
P(x) : they are lazy
Q(x) : they have a bad occupation
we can write that
and then
(Ax)-(-P(x) v Q(x))
or we can write in verbal "all of people aren't foolish, they are lazy, and they don't have bad occupation"
1. Question:
if my mother goes, then my sister is happy
if my sister is happy, then my sister plays with her friends
the conclusion is....
p : my mother goes
q: my sister is happy
r : my sister plays with her friends
and then, we can write
:: p-->r
we can conclude that "p-->r" or we can write in verbal statement "if my mother goes, then my sister plays with her friends"
2. Question
Negative from "some of poeple are foolish, if they are lazy, then they have a bad occupation" is
(Ex) : some of people are foolish
P(x) : they are lazy
Q(x) : they have a bad occupation
we can write that
and then
(Ax)-(-P(x) v Q(x))
or we can write in verbal "all of people aren't foolish, they are lazy, and they don't have bad occupation"
Jumat, 04 Januari 2013
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